Friday, August 7, 2015

New school year

School started up again today. #sophomore yay! So every year I always get really excited but I am getting closer to graduation every year. And I start to get even more excited and also I start to feel a little more sad each year, because after I graduate I have no idea what I am going to do. I mean I know what I want to do but I don't know if it's the right thing I just feel confused. But anyways I am only a sophomore so I have time to to figure out what I want to do. 

Tuesday, June 23, 2015


My birthday is one of the best days of my life.  A few reasons why i love my birthday so much i s
  1. i get to hang with friends or family 
  2. i get cake and presents 
  3. i would sometimes be in utah with my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins  for the summer  this is special to me because i only get to see them every 2 summers 
  4. i am one year closer to being able to go make my one life and figure out what I'm going to be doing for the rest of my life
i am so happy but sad at the same time that my 15th birthday is in less than a week. can't wait. 

Friday, June 5, 2015

on my reading list

i just recently finished reading this book series. i loved it, it alway was keeping me on my toes and had cliffhanger going into the next book. it is a fantacy series with love triangles it is amazing . it is one of the only series that i could actually finish and i really request for you to read it.

i am now reading this series of books i am almost finished with insurgent and then i will be on to allegiant. this is not the reason I'm reading this series its just a bonus. my parents are giving me $10 for every book i finish to put toward a phone because i have to pay for it all on my own. well anyways this series has romance fighting and action  i love it and i also request this series.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


School can be hard and school can fun it's up to you. If you don't pay attention in school, you will have a hard time on tests. If you pay attention and know what is going on you will have a better time than people who don't pay attention.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

summer to fall

summer is gone and fall is here. fall isn't just a time in the year when it gets colder or a time when school starts. it is a time when you have holidays that you spend with friends and family. we have holidays like halloween and thanksgiving. i like the fall because the leaves change color, it is perfect time to go camping with family, and going to the mall to get fall clothes with friends. it is sad whens summer ends but it also brings so much more when it is over.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

high school guys

it's hard when your not suppose to date until you are 16 and guys keep asking you out. then you say you can't date tell your 16 they laugh. don't you hate it when you get made fun of . is sucks even more when you get asked out 20 times and you want to say yes because it is a guy you like.


Friends they can bring you down and they can lift you up when u are sad, heartbroken, or if you lost someone comes to you. I have this amazing friend and I know that I can always count on her to lift my spirit up. She is the type of friend lots of people would want to have even though she can talk forever she is amazing and she is my friend forever and always.